Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shanghai Animation Studio

So at school in the states planning a field trip is usually a big hassle. You need to get permission from a whole bunch of administrators and run around getting a half dozen signatures. Then you had to get students to bring in permission slips and medical forms with emergency contact numbers. I did one trip a year in PG county as a result of how complex the process was. Here the Chinese 5th grade teachers planned it and didn't do any of that. We just hired a bus and that was that. At any rate, our first unit is self expression through film so we went on a trip to Shanghai animation studio. Here are a few pictures.

It was sort of an interesting place but there was no English at all. A few of the kids translated for me and Paul, the other foreign fifth grade teacher. I mostly knew about animation from prior knowledge anyway but the language barrier was a bit frustrating.

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