Day to day life here has become normal, I understand a lot more about the history, the culture and the problems in Shanghai. I understand bits of Mandarin and don't have to rely on Danny for translation as often. I manage to bargain when necessary and can get through most day to day tasks pretty easily. My Mandarin is becoming passable, I talk to our ayi in Chinese everyday after work and I usually at least understand the gist of what she's talking about. It may be better if I don't understand all the old Chinese ladies on the street when they try to tell us Jonah is too little to take out of the house and that he isn't dressed warmly enough... whatever. I'm not hiding in the house for months. Also, it was like 70 degrees out today and I saw babies in snowsuits. Jonah wore a sunhat and a long-sleeve t shirt and still got hot and sweaty. Why do people keep telling me he needs to wear more layers. It is like common sense doesn't exist here. Anyway, I still have a few places I'd like to travel around Asia but I'm starting to think it is time to return home already. I miss the clean air and the food. We are looking for jobs back home next year, we'll see what happens...